Elive Food - Food for Energized Living

Vegan Athlete Lifestyle for Women (Interview Galabina Kamenova - Super Body Fitness - Part 2)

Episode Summary

Galabina Kamenova is the CEO of Super Body Fitness, which an online leadership coaching program for women. Super Body Fitness targets women who have tried to lose weight, who have been dieting for many years who have tried different exercise plans, all kinds of things. And they never really worked for them. As an athlete (Cirque du Soleil and European Bronze Medalist) Gabby talks about our miss perception about food. Athletes don't have to eat a lot of protein and meat to be strong. She talks about her experience as a vegan athlete. She talks about the importance of clean and local food for our bodies and brains. Gabby also tells us her secrets for keeping a good and healthy body, like her use of Lion's Mane mushrooms and an athlete's mindset. Losing weight is not about your diet as much as it is about your mindsets and habits. Those are the changes that Super Body Fitness is focused on. Women's body image is targetted for so much stress from our preception and comparison to others. Stress can change our metabolism and our body image causes stress. Join us on this interview webinar to expose Gabby's secrets for healthy mindsets and healthy body----

Episode Notes

This interview is provided by E-Live, a local vegan food brand in Los Angeles. https://www.elivefood.com


Episode Transcription

from ancient times the power of food has been well known to heal and prevent disease. Within the last 100 years, we have lost touch with these ancient powers and strayed from true health. Simply masking symptoms with pill after pill. discover the secret of health and vitality by simply eating foods that energize, alkaline and empower, prevent disease, reverse aging and live longer by consuming what ancient cultures have been consuming for years. We are not discovering anything new, rather rekindling the knowledge and wisdom that is already there. We will go over these forgotten treasures and secrets and more on a live food where we believe in food for energized living.

Hello, and thank you for joining us. This is the second part of our conversation with gala Bina coming over. She's a former circus tessellate Acrobat, a bronze medalist and Vika.

She and Julie Andriy the founder of E life will talk about vegan lifestyle and this ludecke world and how Gabby is changing women's life through her new startup super body. So without further ado, here are Gabi and Julie.

What I've been noticing, especially here in America, that people are very focused on the outer appearance of things like having certain size or smaller waist or certain body parts that are approvable approved and others that are not approved. And I wanted to say that person is not simply you know, an arm and legs and you know, we have our mind we have our body but also we have our soul and those three things are always interconnected. Like you can't separate them and take one of them and you know, make it big and the other one is just forget them down. Many people the reason

For the weight gain for so many women, it's not necessarily always food or lack of exercise. Many times women gain weight, because let's see previous history of trauma,

a lot of things like feelings and emotions that didn't get expressed. So when a, let's say a big stress happen in our life, like let's say losing somebody or sexual trauma, all kinds of trauma, that trauma finds a place in the body, that could be either a certain organ or around the waist or you know the hips, but that that trauma finds its place in the body and if you don't talk about it, if you don't express it, if you don't,

kind of let it out, that will lead to either different diseases or weight gain. So I've been seeing a lot of women who have gained weight and they have literally no no explanation for it. So their diet is good. They're working out

A week and they can drop even a pound. So in those cases, that's another thing to show that not everything is food and body and appearance and size. And that's also not just limited to women, it's pretty much everybody, it's men or women, right? I speak about women because my experience is more with women than definitely for every person. And so you can't just you know, decide that your mind is not important or your soul is not important or, you know, one of these things can be behind, you know, only if you have your small waist or legs or whatever. So you should always aim for a balance between these three elements mind, body and soul. And when it comes to thinking and positive thinking and thinking at all, many women after a deeper conversation with them, they seem to have thoughts like I'm not good enough. I hate my body. I don't deserve I'm a loser. I am

Whatever, whatever. So what happens when you have these thoughts? I don't know if here you study that. But in high school, we sat in Bulgaria, the stress response. So the body goes into stress and the body doesn't understand what is real or imagined stress. So whether you're attacked by a lion on the, in the forest or you're sitting on your couch thinking, Oh, well, I'm not good enough, I don't deserve I'm fat. I hate myself. Your body sees that the same way. Like your body will respond with stress to both of these things. What happens is stress response, usually your insulin and cortisol go up and your

blood moves away from the midsection of your body and goes to your arms into your legs for fight or flight response. So when that happens, digestion shuts down, metabolism slows down, calorie burning slows down, all these energy is going to you know, you're supposed to protect yourself, you're in a stress response in

Situation your body doesn't build muscle, your body doesn't burn calories you bought your body stores fat. So I've personally have seen many women who leave day by day on a daily basis, either stress response, for more from not eating from thinking I'm not good enough, I'm a loser. I'm whatever, like all kinds of different stresses. And when that thing is in your head, constantly talking to you, you're not good enough, you're, you know, you don't deserve your loser, whatever. There is no way for you to achieve whatever body transformation you're looking for. So again, many times the mind is the problem and there is a shift that you have to do. And then your body will follow that chip. Many times women will go on a diet, but then that's that's really not their problem. The problem is hear their voice that it's constantly saying you're not good enough You don't deserve so you can be on whatever that you want. You can be running five days a week and you still do the same just because this or even thinking I'm fat all the time.

Right, right? If you're not, that's not approved, right? Not right, you know, the image that I keep seeing all the time is different, and I'm not like it. So there must be something wrong with me. And that's really not the case, right? It's really the problem is somewhere else. So I would say make sure that all of your three parts are in the right place, your mind, your soul, your body, you have no other, say, conflicts within yourself within your mind, within your belief system or what you think of yourself. Because all those things will affect your physical body. Either you're gaining weight, or you're having some disease that you have nowhere, where it came from. So all kinds of things, these things are results from something that you did to yourself. Now, you know, to say that you won't have any conflicting thoughts in your mind is, is really, you know, pretty far fetched out there. You know, I think, I think that

the idea is that okay, if I thought

comes into your mind that hey, I'm fat, and whatever to like, just let it go, like not indulge into that thought to like, okay, I thought came into my mind because, you know, a lot of times you just have useless chatter going on in your brain if you sit down and think about it. So, the, the idea is to, to let the thought pass as it's coming into your mind as opposed to indulging into the thought. Exactly, exactly. So you choose which talks to entertain, in which thought to, you know, repeat in your head in which just let go and passed by, and I know it's hard in the beginning, but there are a lot of practices, a lot of different methods that you can use and you can kind of train your brain to do the job that is good for you. Right your brain it's not a it's not a muscle, but it has the quality of the muscle which means you can train if you can, you can input certain thinking or programs into your brain.

Yeah, cuz if you're not feeding your brain with positivity or things that serve you and your body, it has to think of something, then basically you're at the mercy of your environment. And your brain is basically just going to think about whatever your environment is letting it pick up. And it's kind of like run amok, as opposed to us giving it some I mean, you know, the other day, um, and it happens at a very young age, and it constantly is happening. It's like, we're constantly bombarded with barrage of useless information, you know, from here from there from our environment. Just the other day my daughter came up and she's like, Oh, do you think I'm weird? So until thinks I'm weird, and

I was just, you know, I constantly have to check in with her, because, you know, I just don't want her brain and her to just be, you know, starting to it's, it's when you don't think about it, it's like, all of a sudden, boom, there it is. Oh,

Do you think I'm weird? It's like, No, I think you're beautiful. I think you're lovely. And oh, I think so and so thinks I'm weird. And you know, you have to constantly be.

So I basically just told her Well, I think you're amazing. And I love you, and I'm your best friend. So, there you go. I don't think you're weird. And,

you know, I mean, this great exercise they do in in, in her classroom, her teacher tells all the kids to give their brain a kiss, and say, Oh, you're wonderful, I love you brain. And I even, you know, thanked her teacher for doing that. Because what a great concept. I think all the kids should be doing that in their school and teachers should be promoting things like that. So the negativity doesn't enter. Because it can happen at any age. You know, of course and I'm most of the people are not even aware of what's, what conversation goes into their head. It's like automatic

You're simply going in day after day. And this program is simply working in your head and you're not really paying attention to what's the environment in here? Is it positive? Is it negative? is it helping you? You know, if you are not where you want to be? That means you haven't been thinking in the right way for the last I don't know, maybe years, maybe months, I am not sure but, but there is something here that has to change if you want to produce different result, right. So change your mind and change your body image Next, you know, head controls the whole body like all of your organs, so everything that the way you move, everything is controlled by your head, you can just neglect it and say whatever I doesn't matter doesn't affect me at all. Right? So have, have the image of where you want to be, and constantly entertain that image. Exactly. So think of you know, it's almost like well, don't be for Don't be against something before something right. So if you're against being

Fat then before being fed, right? And just have that thought in your mind on for being fit, but not thinking that hey, I'm fat or I look this way or that way or i don't i don't i don't because your brain doesn't really know the difference between simply switch to negative thoughts with something else it feels right right now, okay if you really think you're fat and that's what you're looking it's hard to just, you know, say I'm not fat I'm, you know, I'm fat or whatever, because obviously not true and your brain will understand this. But maybe pick a thought that says, I'm on my way to becoming better or healthier or I'm on my way of changing something that feels right. Good right now, but it's also better than you know, I'm fat. I hate myself and well, because if you also if you pick out that it's entirely not in going against what you really see in the mirror and believe then that's a conflicting, you know, belief in one for here, the other one will pull There you go.

Nowhere. Yeah, and there's many exercises that you can do that are that, you know, are believable and the things that your body can agree with. And that's a whole nother conversation. I just think people don't understand how important is what's happening here and how much it can change your life and your physical body and everything. Right, well, great. So, you know what? The last question that I have is, what Where are you? Where, where are you going with super body? And where do you see the future? Like, what do you see in the future? Do you have super body in the future or what you would like to create with it? And if there's, you know, just one thing that you can I mean, I think we've kind of done that already. But if there's just one thing that you can tell, you know, anybody who your audience, what would it be like?

What are you going to be creating? So, again, super body is a program for women. So what I really would love to see healthy women, happy women, confident women, women who are secure in themselves who are fulfilling their life potential, because many times what happens is when you think I'm not good enough, I don't deserve I'm fat. I'm a loser. You're just simply sitting on the side of your life and waiting for it to go by. So people like that women like that. They wouldn't let say, apply for the right job. They wouldn't look for a boyfriend, they wouldn't do things. Because you're thinking well, I'm going to do that once I'm skinny. Or I'm going to do that once you know I lose the weight. So the life keeps going by and they're kind of finding their comfort zone into that sideline. And they never really achieve anything. They never really try to do anything just because you're constantly thinking I'm not good enough uncomfortable becomes the right

A little becomes your comfort zone. Right? If you get out of it, you actually have to do something and that's probably scary. You know, you're, you know, you don't know what's going on there. You don't know what what to do there. So my, I think there today, especially with all the media and all the images that are constantly pushed on women, how they're supposed to look, and then what is okay what is not okay, and it's all about the body. I think that it's a huge problem. And women today are just, like holding back their potential. They're not developing their skills entirely because of that thing.

Great. Well, thanks a lot for your work, and we're really excited to see the future. And thank you for your time. Thank you.

Thanks for listening. For more information connect with us on E live food.com. Follow us on Instagram or Facebook. Live food provides plant based high nutrition high vibrational foods

For you to alkaline your body and energize your life. The ingredients used are locally sourced, organic plant based gluten free clean and items are found in specialty markets. You can also purchase on the E live food website